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Showing posts from December, 2020

Image Editing Software | GUI Designing | Creating Sliders

 Hello friends! Let us continue developing our GUI of image editing software. You can check out the previous post by clicking here , where we have learned to create a window and add a few buttons to it. In this post, we will be adding sliders to our GUI which will be used to adjust the brightness and contrast of the image. You can check out the video below. We will continue developing our previous code. For placing the sliders we will use another frame. For creating the frame use the code below.  Frame2 = tk.Frame(window , height = 20 ) Frame2.pack( anchor =tk.NW) Frame2 will be holding the sliders of brightness and contrast adjustments. We have anchored the Frame2 to the northwest corner in our window. Let us now create the sliders for our window.  brightnessSlider = tk.Scale(Frame2 , label = "Brightness" , from_ = 0 , to = 2 , orient =tk.HORIZONTAL , length =screen_width , resolution = 0.1 , command =brightness_callback) brightnessSlider.pack( an

Image Editing Software | GUI Designing | Creating Buttons

Hello Friends! We are going to develop an Image Editing Software in python. We will be using various libraries like Tkinter, PIL, and OpenCV. We will be developing several features like brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, applying various filters on the image, etc. So why wait? Let's get started. Make sure to check out the video below before starting. We will start by designing the GUI and later on, we will add the required functionalities to it for image editing. In this tutorial, we will be creating a window that will hold 3 buttons(Import, Save, Close). To create the GUI we will start by importing the Tkinter in our python file as shown below. import tkinter as tk To create a window we will have to call a method called tk.Tk(). window = tk.Tk() So the window is ready. But if you run the above code, you won't see anything appearing on the screen. This is because the program has finished execution. You will have to add a loop to hold the window on the screen. For that,